Rolfing Structural Integration in Boulder, Colorado

Improve your relationship with gravity.

A global approach for postural improvement and tension release.


Why Rolfing?

Rolfing addresses physical and neurological restrictions to improve somatic awareness and expression. It is through habitual movement patterns, surgical interventions, impact injuries, and emotional trauma that our child-like expression dampens and compensatory patterns present themselves.

Physical restrictions, or lesions, occur in our fascia and begin to restrict the natural movement of bones, organs, and nerves. When there is nerve restriction or impingement, the body will send pain signals as a protective mechanism to communicate the desire for change. 

Neurological restrictions, or inhibitions, affect our perception and coordination. Rolfing helps to create a sense of safety in and around our bodies so that lasting transformation can occur. 

person getting Rolfing treatment

How does Rolfing work?


Release Fascial Adhesions

Rolfing targets the organ of posture and movement, the intricate web of fascia, to reorganize your bodies relationship to gravity. 


Repattern Around New Potential

People adapt around their limitations, perceived or real. Rolfing provides transformational possibilities around movement potential.


Regulate Nervous System Function

Rolfing is a somatic practice that helps to regulate nervous system function by creating new neural pathways and reducing pain signals.

You deserve to do MORE of what you love. 

Person receiving assisted stretching from Certified Rolfer®

What to expect:

Rolfing sessions typically are 60-75 minutes. 

While some clients see me for a single session, Rolfing® is traditionally experienced over the course of 10 sessions. I recommend at least 3 sessions to give your body appropriate time to organize. 

While scheduling is dependent on each individuals needs, the 10 series can be scheduled twice a week to once every month. Between each session, I recommend walking to assist in the process of integration and awareness. 


Schedule An Initial Session

Meet with Julianne and together explore your history, goals, and options for treatment.


Build Your Treatment Plan

Explore the different options and collaborate to build a treatment plan that works for you.  


Experience Transformation

Become aware of your habits and perceived limitations, and begin to learn new ways of moving and being. 

Frequently asked questions.

Rolfing appreciation and praise.

"Julianne helped me address pain and discomfort for areas that in mind were unrelated. Her ability to see what my body needed from minimal touch and by observing was incredible. She listens to me and guides me as if we are healing together."

"I love receiving Rolfing sessions from Julianne. She has a kind presence with a warm and intuitive touch. My body always feels more relaxed and open after receiving a session from her, like I can breathe more easily."

“Julianne is amazing. She is deeply knowledgeable and capable in her field. She truly knows what’s she’s doing and she helped me in so many areas! With all that said, the best thing about Julianne is that she genuinely cares. She’s kind, patient, helpful, and a great listener. I’m a big fan!"

Balance the body.

Eliminate the root cause of chronic pain.

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Julianne Nagy, Certified Rolfer in Boulder, CO

Meet Julianne Nagy.

Julianne graduated from the Dr. Ida Rolf Institute in Boulder, Colorado with her certificate in Rolfing® Structural Integration. Interested in fascia-focused movement, she immersed herself into the world of GYROTONIC®. Julianne now practices Rolfing® Structural Integration at GYROTONIC® Bodhi in Boulder, Colorado. Continuing with her education, Julianne is actively pursuing her Rolf Movement® and GYROTONIC® certifications. 

While Julianne's Rolfing® practice focuses on 10 series work, she offers individual sessions and post-ten packages. Adding GYROTONIC® to her repertoire, Julianne will offer one-on-one privates, duet sessions, and group classes starting July 2024. Julianne hosts various movement classes and workshops throughout the year. Join Julianne's newsletter and be on the lookout for new offerings being added monthly!

Person recieving carpal tunnel treatment from Certified Rolfer

Your Guide to the Rolfing 10 Series

Download your free guide where you'll catch a glimpse of the process and some things to consider along the way. 

Download your free guide where you'll catch a glimpse of the process and some things to consider along the way.


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