The Rolfing 10 Series in Boulder, Colorado

Bring your body to its next highest level of order.


A global approach to create balance and ease in your body's structure.

Through a combination of hands-on manipulation, movement education, and client participation, we target deep-seated patterns of tension and misalignment. 


Session 1

Breath and the Ribcage


Session 2

Support Through the Feet


Session 3

Lengthen up the Sides


Session 4

Opening the Bottom of the Core


Session 5

Continuing Through
the Pelvis


Session 6

Giving Space to
the Sacrum


Session 7

How the Head Balances it All


Session 8

Integration Begins


Session 9

Integration Across the Body


Session 10

Balancing the Horizontals


Benefits of the Rolfing 10 Series

Rolfing is a somatic therapy that combines manual therapy and movement education. Each subsequent session of the Rolfing 10 series focuses particular territory and has its own set of goals. Certified Rolfers help to bring awareness to compensation patterns and use hands-on manipulation to reorganizing and balance the body's fascial system.

Rolfing also goes beyond addressing physical symptoms, supporting psychological and emotional well-being. Through its holistic approach, Rolfing helps individuals break free from patterns of movement adapted around perceived limitations, unlocking new movement potential and transformational possibilities.


An Overview of the Rolfing 10 Series


"Sleeve" Sessions

 Sessions 1-3 address imbalances of the superficial fascia and sets the stage for subsequent structural realignment and enhanced mobility throughout the body.


"Core" Sessions

Sessions 4-7 address deeper layers of fascia between the bottom of the pelvis to the top of the head. The core also extends to the deep tissue of the legs for their role in support.


"Integration" Sessions

Sessions 8-10 focuses on blending previously established advancements with new ones, promoting seamless movement and natural coordination throughout the body.

How to get started. 


Schedule An Initial Session

Meet with Julianne and together explore your history, goals, and options for treatment.


Build Your Treatment Plan

Explore the different options and collaborate to build a treatment plan that works for you.  


Experience Transformation

Become aware of your habits and perceived limitations, and begin to learn new ways of moving and being. 

You deserve to do MORE of what you love. 


Who is Ida P. Rolf?

Ida P. Rolf was a biochemist and pioneering figure in the field of bodywork and holistic health. Born in 1896 in New York City, Dr. Rolf earned her bachelor's degree in biological chemistry from Barnard College in 1916. She later pursued a Ph.D. in biochemistry from the College of Physicians and Surgeons at Columbia University, completing her doctoral studies in 1920.

Despite her background in science, Ida Rolf became increasingly interested in alternative healing modalities, particularly those related to the manipulation of the body's structure. Her explorations led her to study various disciplines, including osteopathy, chiropractic medicine, yoga, and the Alexander Technique.

Learn more about Ida P. Rolf and the history of Rolfing.

Rolfing appreciation and praise.

"Julianne is fantastic! I used to be a structural integration massage therapist myself and am very particular about who I see for bodywork. And I can say that Julianne is one of the best practitioners I’ve seen in years!"

"Julianne helped me so much with some ongoing pain issues. After my first three sessions with her, I was able to discontinue weekly visits to a chiropractor and was pain free."

Nancy N., Rolfing ClientBoulder, Colorado

I went to see Julianne after an ebike accident. Within the first session, Julianne was able to calm my body back down to where I could listen to it again. She is intuitive to the body's needs and adjusts her therapy to meet those individual needs.

Tracie P., Rolfing ClientBoulder, Colorado

Frequently asked questions.

Julianne Nagy, Certified Rolfer in Boulder, CO

Meet Julianne Nagy.

Julianne graduated from the Dr. Ida Rolf Institute in Boulder, Colorado with her certificate in Rolfing® Structural Integration. Interested in fascia-focused movement, she immersed herself into the world of GYROTONIC®. Julianne now practices Rolfing® Structural Integration at GYROTONIC® Bodhi in Boulder, Colorado. Continuing with her education, Julianne is actively pursuing her Rolf Movement® and GYROTONIC® certifications. 

While Julianne's Rolfing® practice focuses on 10 series work, she offers individual sessions and post-ten packages. Adding GYROTONIC® to her repertoire, Julianne will offer one-on-one privates, duet sessions, and group classes starting July 2024. Julianne hosts various movement classes and workshops throughout the year. Join Julianne's newsletter and be on the lookout for new offerings being added monthly!

Person recieving carpal tunnel treatment from Certified Rolfer